Friday, August 19, 2005


The freshmen are now all here. They arrived in a large swarm, families in tow, complete with mothers who wandered through the men's dorms and little children who destroyed the plant life. Admissions threw a barbecue for the freshmen followed by an ice cream social.

While at the ice cream social, I noticed something odd. There was a boy dressed in nineteenth century regalia--he had a long blue coat, red vest, breeches that went down just to the top of the calves, long socks, long hair halfway down his neck, and a cane--he was walking around, as if he had mistaken TAC for the local Charles Dickens Fashion Society. To top it off, his attitude was very much that of a high born Dickens character. Nose in air, slight strut, excellent posture. I was on holiday at my manor, but was dragged away to this little event here. He swings the cane a little. I was rather enjoying myself--survey the surroundings with mild interest--Oh, well, might as well make the best of it, even though all the rabble around here are so very lower class. I say, might that be some ice cream? I guess that might help me pass the time.

What I want to know is why do his parents allow him to dress this way? It's slightly anti-social, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

Um so yeah...these freshmen...they are definitly something to think about. Think and not meet. well maybe. half the class looks confused and the other half look like their older sibling. weird.

Anonymous said...

Ubi caritas et amor...

Anonymous said...

Ames, sed Dista

which I think means...

You should love, but be distant (stand apart)


Prophet said...

Destroy him NOW, Boyer! He will only be your downfall later on in the future...

wow, i need to stop watching samurai jack.

Kakashi said...

Unfortunately, the little bugger slipped away.